Flood Sources
Co-57 Flood Sources to maintain the Gamma Cameras working properly
Providing a uniform field of radiation for evaluation of Nuclear Medicine gamma camera performance, allowing detection and correction of any camera malfunction prior to diagnostic use.
The Co-57 flood sources are available in a variety of circular and rectangular dimensions, with activities to meet the standards established by the manufactures of the gamma cameras the life of a 20mCi Co-57 flood source is approximately 3 years.
Perflexio - The only flexible flood source
- The Perflexion flood source reduces bulk and weight.
- The Perflexion flood source has unique flexible design.
- Smallest form factor: The Perflexion flood source rolls to fit in a 6”x6”x22” tube for easy storage.
- Best shielding: Tungsten composite Wolfguard shield.
FeatherLite™ - The lightest flood source
- FeatherLite Co-57 flood sources consist of cobalt chloride uniformly dispersed onto a thin substrate which is then placed in an ABS encapsulation and ultrasonically welded.
- FeatherLite weighs up to 60% less than other rigid flood sources.
- FeatherLite is even easier to handle, saving strain on your back.
- FeatherLite is now available for all popular cameras.
C-Thru™ - The only transparent flood source
- C-Thru’s source holder is made of transparent, durable plastic.
- C-Thru’s radioactive area is clearly visible, enabling the
- C-Thru so urce to be easily positioned on the camera head.
- Nuclear Medicine
- Quality Control